Savings Pool Startup Services

How we can help you:

Cooperate WNC has resources, management tools, and start up services to help you and your group launch and maintain a community savings pool that meets your self-identified needs and goals.

What we offer:

  • Four facilitated sessions over 4-6 months with your group introducing, customizing, and launching your savings pool. Could include playing the Savings Pool Game An interactive role-playing game that simulates savings pool membership and operations

  • Phone and email support throughout the start-up process and beyond

  • Access to Community Savings Pool Start Up Guide A 20-25 page written guide to all aspects of savings pools startup and ongoing operations including the following adaptable templates:

    • Start Up Inquiry Form

    • Member Agreement 

    • Secured Loan Agreement 

    • Record Keeping Spreadsheet

    • Loan Proposal

  • Research and innovation in response to specific needs that you have

  • Introduction to other savings pool groups for experience sharing

 And what we ask:

  • Have at least 15 people committed to attending an initial interest meeting with at least 12 people committing for future sessions

  • Organize meeting and communicate with participants and provide meeting location

  • Identify at least one point person to communicate with the group and with CWNC about meetings etc.

  • Participate in information gathering questionnaires and moderate reading in preparation for the sessions

  • Agree to share photos and videos from sessions (with individuals permission)

  • Provide testimonials and feedback about starting the savings pool and working with us.

 Want to learn more or need help starting a pool? Contact us!

Learn more about the Community Savings Pool model:

See what some Community Savings Pools are doing: