Savings Pool Startup Services
How we can help you:
Cooperate WNC has resources, management tools, and start up services to help you and your group launch and maintain a community savings pool that meets your self-identified needs and goals.
What we offer:
Four facilitated sessions over 4-6 months with your group introducing, customizing, and launching your savings pool. Could include playing the Savings Pool Game An interactive role-playing game that simulates savings pool membership and operations
Phone and email support throughout the start-up process and beyond
Access to Community Savings Pool Start Up Guide A 20-25 page written guide to all aspects of savings pools startup and ongoing operations including the following adaptable templates:
Start Up Inquiry Form
Member Agreement
Secured Loan Agreement
Record Keeping Spreadsheet
Loan Proposal
Research and innovation in response to specific needs that you have
Introduction to other savings pool groups for experience sharing
And what we ask:
Have at least 15 people committed to attending an initial interest meeting with at least 12 people committing for future sessions
Organize meeting and communicate with participants and provide meeting location
Identify at least one point person to communicate with the group and with CWNC about meetings etc.
Participate in information gathering questionnaires and moderate reading in preparation for the sessions
Agree to share photos and videos from sessions (with individuals permission)
Provide testimonials and feedback about starting the savings pool and working with us.
Want to learn more or need help starting a pool? Contact us!
Learn more about the Community Savings Pool model:
See what some Community Savings Pools are doing: